
Michelle Malone is the CEO of Better Twogether LLC and the bestselling author of The Parenting Playbook: Beginning With the End In Mind. She is also a Certified Parent Empowerment Coach, a Speaker, and a retired middle school leader who has worked with middlers and high school students for nearly 30 years. Coach Michelle has always had a passion for helping others — especially parents with teens and pre-teens. Whether serving her country, serving in her church, or teaching in various schools throughout the United States, Michelle has generously shared her time, talents, and treasure with others. Now, her gifts and experiences have formed her Kingdom business.

At the heart of who she is, lies her values: relationships, balance, honesty, and commitment. These core values have served her well and are evident to all who meet her.  Strong relationships are vital to successfully navigating life’s journeys, and it requires that you listen more than you talk. Michelle learned the art of listening and lingering from growing up in southwest Louisiana, where porches were her podium and life lessons were shared through the power of story. These two superpowers are what make Michelle a great leader, coach, and speaker. 

Equally important is balance (or equilibrium). A life that is balanced is a fruitful one. The right mix of work, play, and reflection is necessary for living your best life. When your life is unbalanced, the result is stress, anxiety, or even physical pain. Coach Michelle lives a balanced life and teaches others to do the same.

Honesty is the best policy, or so the saying goes. Scripture also tells us that the truth shall set you free. Michelle is fair and honest with her clients;  it’s a staple in building strong relationships. A partnership built on half-truths or lies is in imminent danger of crumbling, but a relationship that is built on honesty at its foundation will last.

Last on the list but vital to relationship building is commitment.  Coach Michelle is committed to passionately serving her clients. The work ethic she espouses is described in Colossians 3:23 — “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” A commitment like this guarantees honesty, balance, and strong relationships.

Let’s build something together.