Sunday Clarity

I wanted to wake up early enough to see the sunrise, but sleep was more precious this morning. It began much like it did last Sunday — with a sliver of sunshine peeking through the curtains that failed to meet the night before. I’m grateful though. To be alive and well is a blessing. Surely I know that we are not without aches and pains, but we are among the living. Always remember that the word “living” is an action, so you must do something each day — something you may have wanted to do for years but didn’t. Your presence on this Earth is an intentional act of The Teacher — whose assignments were conceived long before you were, and they were given specifically to you at birth. Until your last breath, you must DO what he asks of you.

You do make a difference to those around you whether you realize it or not. To some, you’re a role model. To others, you’re a confidante. To some, you’re a pain in the butt; yet to others, you are a gift. To some, you’re an enigma; to others, you’re an open book. Trust and believe that wherever you are in this season of your life, you are needed there for a time until The Teacher moves your seat. While remaining in your assigned seat, do everything our Good Teacher tells you to do.

  1. Know your role. You are the student — not the teacher. Learn from life’s lessons.
  2. Follow directions. A good teacher tells you what to do and writes them down for all types of learners. The Book of Proverbs is filled with directions for living a disciplined life. Start there.
  3. Listen for feedback. A good teacher always gives substantive feedback. God gives feedback directly and indirectly. Sometimes his feedback to others is really for you.
  4. Apply new learning in various ways. You are meant to share your gifts and testimonies with others. You’re not meant to hoard them.
  5. Give thanks! Too often we forget to (or neglect to) tell others how they have impacted our lives. Let no one leave your life without an expression of thanksgiving. A card, a handwritten note, an e-mail, a hug,  or a handshake will do.

If you feel stuck right now, get unstuck! If you need help, ask for it. If you can’t ask for it, allow others to step right in. There is work to be done, and all assignments have due dates. The Teacher will offer you plenty of grace to get it done, but by all means, get it done. I challenge you to share this message on your social media pages and with at least one person via e-mail. This message may resonate with you, but trust me when I say that it’s meant for someone else as well. As the Spirit speaks to me, I listen and respond. I trust you will do the same.

May blessings abound! <3


11 Thoughts

  1. I love this message, Michelle! And, I’m definitely. I have often said throughout my life, especially during challenging times, that there is a reason this is happening. We may not understand why during those moments but they usually become clear when enough time has passed to bring perspective. God is amazing!

    1. Robin, we all go through it. Sometimes we never figure out why, but I imagine having a long talk with God when that day comes…lol. I’m just grateful to be here to learn lessons from our Divine Teacher. <3

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