It’s All Small Stuff

Good Monday morning, friends! Let’s start this week off on the right foot — knowing that we have side-stepped some obstacles just to get here today. Maybe you woke up late, didn’t have your Wheaties, or perhaps your give-a-d*amn is busted.  Well, let’s kick those crummy feelings to the side just like you’ve done so many times before.  Chin up, stand up straight, and fix your eyes on the prize — Our Creator!

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 (

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” ~ John 16:33 (Bible Gateway)

Chew on these two meaty verses. I pray that they sustain you for the week (if not a lifetime). God never promised that we wouldn’t encounter trouble in our lives, but he did promise never to leave us or forsake us. Some of our roughest battles teach us just how strong we are as long as we stay in the fight. We don’t quit.  We pray! Fall on your knees and ask God to command his angels concerning you to guard you in all our ways. Then expect him to move.  As long as your desires are in sync with his plan, you’re in good hands. Nothing is impossible for God. He can do all things but fail.

Pump up the volume, and enjoy my Music Monday selection from Mandisa! <3


12 Thoughts

  1. Thanks so much for this uplifting reminder! Those are both verses that I needed to be reminded of. I had a chance to see Mandisa in concert as part of the “Toby Mac and Friends” Tour a couple of years ago. We were not sure I was going to be able to go because I had just had gall bladder surgery and was back in the hospital a week later with complications. It was a good hour drive each way to the venue but we stopped for dinner and I rested in my seat as much as possible waiting for the show. Everyone was fantastic; however, when Mandisa came out and sang “Overcomer”, it just spoke to my soul. During the break, we got up to stretch and I bought a few CD’s, including Mandisa’s. I also purchased her “Overcomer” T-shirt and wear it every time I need a reminder of who I am!

      1. I did recover from that, yes. I have ongoing health concerns; however, God is good all the time and He always gives just what we need when He knows we need it! Blessings.

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